Upcoming Events

Deacons in the Life of the Church: An Evening of Teaching & Discussion
Deacons are essential to the health and vitality of a local church. they serve others, maintain unity, and help coordinate various ministries within the body. Join us for an evening of teaching and discussion on Sunday, May 7th from 5:30-7pm.

Volunteer Connection Luncheon
LCC members are invited to a luncheon for Thrive volunteers and any interested in becoming a volunteer at Thrive! RSVP to JoBeth at Volunteer@HelpUsThrive.com and include your guests names in the email.

Easter Sunday
Join us on April 9th for our Easter Sunday service! The service will be followed by lunch and an Easter egg hunt for the kiddos! PLEASE NOTE: We will back meeting for the first time this Sunday in our normal location inside of the Thrive Lonsdale building!

Easter Outreach
On Wednesday, April 5th, from 4-5pm, we will be passing out Easter invitations to our neighbors in the Lonsdale community. All members are welcome to join!

Church Picnic
LCC is having a church picnic on Saturday, March 25th at Sequoyah Park from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Bring your own lunch, chairs, and blankets! We will hangout, eat lunch together, and play field games!

Member's Meeting
On Sunday, March 5th from 9:30-10:30am before the main service, we will have a member’s meeting. All covenant members of LCC are invited and encouraged to come. Childcare will be provided.

Women's Ministry Event | "The Bible & Your Body"
Island Home Baptist Church is hosting a women’s ministry event titled “The Bible and Your Body” on Saturday, February 18 from 9:00am-12:30pm. Lainey Greer (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) will teach three sessions answering questions like, “What does the Bible say about my body?”, “What about my body image?”, and “What about my physical health?” All LCC women are invited to come!
Membership Class: Session 2
On January 15th (session 1) & 22nd (session 2) from 9:30am-10:30am before the main service, Steele will be teaching a membership class to prospective members. The membership class is an opportunity to learn more about our church and how to get involved. This class will take place in either LBC or the Thrive building depending on the progress of the renovation. Contact Stephen (stephen@lonsdalecommunitychurch.com) if you would like to sign up!
Membership Class: Session 1
On January 15th (session 1) & 22nd (session 2) from 9:30am-10:30am before the main service, Steele will be teaching a membership class to prospective members. The membership class is an opportunity to learn more about our church and how to get involved. This class will take place in either LBC or the Thrive building depending on the progress of the renovation. Contact Stephen (stephen@lonsdalecommunitychurch.com) if you would like to sign up!

Thrive + LCC Christmas Program
Thrive & LCC will be putting on a Christmas program on Friday, December 9th at 5:00pm for Thrive kids and their families at Thrive/LCC (1317 Connecticut Ave). We would love for you to join us!

Light Up Lonsdale
Join us for Light Up Lonsdale hosted by Thrive ! LCC will join with Thrive and other churches and groups across Knoxville to bless the Lonsdale neighborhood with Christmas lights. All volunteers will meet at Thrive/LCC (1317 Connecticut Ave) at 5:30pm for some mingling and refreshments. After a short video and presentation, LCC volunteers will head over to decorate the outside of the Thrive High School House. Things should wrap up around 8pm. This is a simple and practical way for us to spread the light of Jesus in the Lonsdale community! (Follow this link for more details: https://www.helpusthrive.com/light-up-lonsdale)